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Registration Form

Students needing to receive accommodations due to the impact of a disability must complete the Registration Form, submit documentation and meet with an Accommodation Coordinator. For more information, visit the Register with SDS page

Temporary Injuries and Short-Term Illnesses

Please review the Temporary Injuries and Short-Term Illnesses page for more information about the process.

Books in Alternative Format Request Form

To request materials in an alternate format, please login to the Student Portal., and click Alternative Formats on the left-hand side of your screen. For each book, be sure to fill out all required fields on the online form. Make sure to submit a copy of your receipt via the Student Portal.

Captioning Request Form

Instructors who have received an accommodation letter for a student with disability enrolled in their course and in need of accessible media may visit the Communication Access submission page upon logging in via the Faculty Portal with as early notice as possible. Instructors are encouraged to complete the form prior to the start of the semester or two weeks prior to the date the media is to be shown.

Dining Accommodation Request Form

Students with dietary restrictions due to the impact of a disability may request accommodations or meal plan modifications as necessary.  Review the established procedure for requesting dining accommodation prior to completing the form.

Interpreter/Transcriber Request Form

To request an Interpreter or Transcriber, please complete the form above. Requests should be made at least two weeks prior to the event. Requests submitted in less than two weeks will be accepted, and all attempts will be made to provide services. However, understand that at times, it may be impossible for SDS to accommodate a delayed request. Please contact SDS for associated fees.

Presentation Request Form

SDS Staff is available to conduct presentations on disability-related topics to the campus community. Please complete this form with all relevant information at least two weeks in advance of the date of the presentation.

T-Access Request Form

Students with temporary illnesses or injuries who only need assistance with on-campus transportation may complete the T-Access Request Form and submit documentation about their condition. Students are encouraged to review information on the SDS Parking and Transportation page prior to submitting a request.

Campus Accessibility Form

Please complete this form if you have experienced a barrier on campus. You will be directed to the Office of Equity and Diversity website, where the form resides. One of their staff members will follow up with you.

Updated: 8/23/2020