Requesting Accommodations
Logging into the Student Portal and signing SDS agreements
- Go to, and click on the Student Portal link. Once selected you will be redirected to the login page.
- Please sign in with your UTK Net ID and password.
- Once signed in, please read and acknowledge the required agreements.
- You must do this at the beginning of each semester to gain full access to the student portal. These agreements primarily pertain to the processes to be followed for certain accommodations
Requesting accommodations and course access letters
At the beginning of each semester, you must specify the courses in which you may want to use accommodations, which then prompts the system to send course access letters to the corresponding instructors. Courses will be available in the student portal the day after you register.
- After logging into the student portal, your main page will include an Accommodation Requests section for each current and upcoming term in which you have courses. To begin, click Add Request under the plus sign icon.
- In the Accommodation Requests box on the next screen, select the courses for which you would like to request accommodations and send Course Access Letters to your instructors.
- If you have multiple courses and know you want all the Course Access Letters to include the same accommodations, you may click the box below your list of courses to apply this.
- Click Continue to Next Step. This will take you to a new screen, and you will be able to decide which accommodations you want to include in your requests.
- Select the approved accommodations you wish to utilize for each individual course, then click Submit Request as your final step.
- If any of your accommodations appear to be missing or incorrect, please contact your coordinator.
- Confirm your note taker requests for each applicable course in the Student Portal.
- Request any needed course materials in alternate format using the Accessible Course Materials menu option in the Student Portal.
- If you need to take a quiz, test, or, exam in the SDS Testing Center, complete an exam request at least 7 days in advance (or four weeks for final exams)
Modify or Cancel an Accommodation Request
- Log in to the Student Portal. A list of classes with accommodations already requested will be shown on your main dashboard. Start by selecting the course for which you wish to modify or cancel your accommodation request.
- In the Accommodations box, click to add or remove accommodations you’re your request, then click Update Request. Just Click Cancel Request if you wish to cancel all accommodations for the course.
Note Taking Services
Confirming requests for a note taker
- If you included notetaking assistance when requesting your accommodations, you will then need to confirm each request.
- After logging into the student portal, click on the Notetaking Services link under the Accommodations menu on the left side of the page and then ensure you are in the correct semester.
- Once the Notetaking Services link has been selected, check to see that you are in the correct term.
- If your dashboard shows that confirmation is needed for courses, click View Request, then click Confirm next to each course for which you would like a note taker.
- After confirming the notetaking services request, SDS will work to hire a peer notetaker in the course. It may take up to a week for a notetaker to be hired.
Accessing notes
- Once a notetaker is assigned to the course and has uploaded notes, you will be able to access the notes by selecting the List All Notes
- Once you have selected the List All Notes link, a drop-down box will appear that lists the date in which the notes were taken. You may download the notes as needed by selecting the Download link located next to that individual note’s file.
- Once a notetaker has been assigned, please allow at least 48 hours after the course has ended for notes to appear. You may contact Notetaking Services if any problems arise.
- Review notes on a regular basis.
- Notify SDS right away if you have any questions or concerns.
- Cancel your note taking request in the Student Portal if at any time you no longer require this accommodation for a course.
Accessible Testing
BEFORE scheduling quizzes, tests, or a final exam (QTF) in the SDS Student Portal:
- Determine if QTFs are being administered online OR if everyone is taking them in person in class.
- Online QTFs will not be scheduled in SDS, as all students in the class will identify their own testing spot. While rare, if you utilize assistive technology that is not compatible with online exams, the SDS Testing Center will coordinate a time for you to take the QTF in SDS.
- Talk to your instructor if you have in-person QTFs to find out if they would like to provide the accommodations themselves OR if they would like you to schedule to take the test in class.
Review the Video Tutorial on How to Submit an Exam Request
How to Schedule a Quiz, Test, or Final (QTF)
- After logging into the student portal, click on the Accessible Testing Link under the Accommodations menu located on the left side of the page.
- Under the Schedule an Exam heading, use the drop-down menu to select the course for which you would like to schedule to take a QTF in SDS.
- NOTE: You will not be able to select a course for scheduling until the instructor has completed an Accessible Testing Agreement (ATA) in their Portal. If you would like to schedule a QTF and cannot, feel free to contact your instructor to ask them to complete the ATA. They also receive reminders from SDS.
- Once the course is selected, click Schedule an Exam.
- After carefully reviewing the Schedule Exam Policy , scroll down and locate the Exam Request section. If you have already submitted requests for other QTFs in the course, you will see those listed first.
- You will need to complete the following fields in the Exam Request section:
- Date of QTF (drop-down menu will only include the dates provided by your instructor)
- Time (only select a time in accordance with the Schedule Exam Policy at the top of the page)
- Services Requested as applicable (please select the accommodation(s) you would like to utilize for this QTF)
- Required Technology (optional field, select only if applicable)
- Additional Note (If applicable, enter an explanation for why you are requesting to take the exam at a different start time than the class.)
- Read and acknowledge the Terms and Conditions.
- Click Add Exam Request.
How to Modify a Quiz, Test, or Final (QTF)
- After logging into the student portal, click on the Accessible Testing link in the Accommodations menu located on the left side of the page.
- Click on All Exam Requests near the top of the page.
- Locate the scheduled QTF you would like to modify and click View.
- Make any needed changes in the Exam Request section.
- Read and acknowledge the Terms and Conditions.
- Click the Update Exam Request button under Form Submission.
How to Cancel a Quiz, Test, or Final
- After logging into the student portal, click on the Accessible Testing link in the Accommodations menu located on the left side of the page.
- Locate the scheduled QTF you would like to cancel, and click View.
- Click Cancel Exam Request
- Click to Confirm.
- Cancel any QTFs you no longer wish to take in SDS, if applicable.
- Modify QTF dates in the Student Portal if your instructor changes a testing date for a QTF you have already scheduled.
- Notify SDS right away if you have any questions or concerns.
Accessible Course Materials
Requesting Accessible Course Materials Alternative Formats)
- After logging into the student portal, click on the Accessible Course Materials link under the Accommodations menu located on the left side of the page and then ensure you are in the correct semester.
- Once the Accessible Course Materials link has been selected, check to see that you are in the correct term.
- Locate the Accessible Course Materials Preference section and use the dropdown menu to update your format preference, if needed. The preference selected should match the accommodations for which you are approved (e.g. select PDF for the accommodation of Printed Materials in PDF Format).
- Next, click on the Requests link near the top of the page.
- Scroll down and complete the fields listed below. Although not all fields are required, please provide as much information as you can to ensure we acquire the correct materials.
- Select class (required)
- Reading material title (required)
- IBSN (optional)
- Publisher (optional)
- Author (optional)
- Edition (optional)
- Note (optional)
- Click the Submit Request button under Form Submission.
Uploading Receipts
- After logging into the student portal, click on the Accessible Course Materials link under the Accommodations menu located on the left side of the page and then ensure you are in the correct semester.
- Next, click on the Upload Receipt link near the top of the page, then then ensure you are viewing the correct term.
- In the Receipt Detail section, select Choose File to browse for and select your receipt file. Select the course associated with the book receipt, and then click the Upload Receipt button under Form Submission.
Downloading Textbooks
- After logging into the student portal, click on the Accessible Course Materials link under the Accommodations menu located on the left side of the page and then ensure you are in the correct semester.
- and ensure you are in the correct term.
- Locate the List Books Currently Being Processed heading.
- If your book is ready to download and you have submitted a copy of your receipt, a Download Book button will be present next to your book.
- Click the Download Book button, and a popup window will open redirecting you to a Microsoft 365 login page.
- On this page, login with your UTK email ID and password and click the Sign In button.
- Once logged in, a OneDrive page will open, and your book materials should be present.
- Select the file you wish to download and then click the Download button located in the menu bar at the top of the page.
- Notify SDS if you receive any course materials from an instructor that do not work properly with your assistive technology.
- Notify SDS right away if you have any questions or concerns.
Communication Access
Requesting a transcriber or interpreter for class
- First step is to send your course access letter and select interpreting and/or transcribing. This process will generate a notification to SDS about the communication access request.
- Refer to the instructions on how to request accommodations for more information on this process as well as modifying or canceling accommodation requests.
Accessing class transcripts
- Within 48 hours after a class, the transcriber will upload your transcript to the SDS Portal.
- After logging into the Student Portal, click on the Communication Access link under the Accommodations menu on the left and then ensure you are in the correct semester.
- Under each class for which you are using transcribing services, choose “Transcript(s) (Click to Expand)”.
- Click on View All Class Transcripts, then click Download for any file you choose.
- If it is more than 48 hours after the class and you do not see an uploaded transcript, email
and let us know. Please include the class name and the transcript dates needed.
o If an agency other than UTK is transcribing your class, they may also upload them to a different folder they provide you access to. SDS will transition those transcripts to the Student Portal, but you will have access in both locations.
- If it is more than 48 hours after the class and you do not see an uploaded transcript, email
Request a Sign Language Interpreter or Transcriber for events outside of class meetings
- For academic events outside of class meetings (meetings with professors, group meetings, advising appointments, field trips, etc.) a request can be made for SDS to provide an interpreter or transcriber.
- After logging into the Student Portal, click on the Communication Access link under the Accommodations menu on the left and then ensure you are in the correct semester. Click Custom Requests at the top of the page.
- Using the Select Course dropdown menu, choose Non Class Related Request, then click Continue to Add Custom Requests.\ Carefully review the Terms and Conditions.
- Under Event Information, enter the information you have for the event or activity for which you are seeking services, including any additional information that would assist SDS in scheduling an interpreter or transcriber.
- Click the Add New Event button under Form Submission.
- SDS will review the request and either assign an interpreter or transcriber or contact you for more information.
- Review and download transcripts on a regular basis.
- Notify SDS right away if you have any questions or concerns.
- Communicate with SDS by emailing if your schedule changes, you are not attending class, a class cancels, or you will be late to a class.
- Cancel your accommodation for interpreting or transcribing if you no longer need them for your course.