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Alternative Testing

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Student Disability Services (SDS) provides alternative testing for qualified students to ensure quizzes, tests, and final exams are proctored with full access to test materials and testing accommodations.  After registering with SDS and requesting testing accommodations, students may request alternative testing appointments through the Student Portal as needed.

Testing Accommodations

 The staff in the SDS Testing Center work with the students’ accommodations coordinator to provide accommodations with the necessary flexibility to meet the needs of the student examinee.

  • Alternative Location: The SDS Testing Center has 19 reduced distraction testing carrels, including booths and workstations, with additional space available as needed.  This accommodation allows students to test uninterrupted for the duration of their exam, whether it be for extended time, utilizing assistive technology, or needing to take the test at an alternative time.
  • Pause Time and Extended Time: Students may qualify to pause their time or have test time extended, either 50% or 100%, during a quiz, test, or final exam (QTF), to provide necessary breaks, utilize assistive technology and provide equitable access.
  • Assistive Technology: The SDS Testing Center provides access to testing materials in alternative format to include digital enlargements, screen magnification, text-to-speech and screen reading software, graphical user interface monitors, speech-to-text, and permission to type.
  • Accessibility: The SDS Testing Center offers wheelchair-accessible desks, special seating, handheld accessibility devices, medical devices, height-adjustable desks, and access to student-provided snacks and drinks as needed.


  1. Test Request Deadline or On-time Test Request: Quiz and test requests should be submitted 7 days or more before the scheduled class date.  Final exam requests should be submitted 4 weeks before study day.
  2. Approved Test Request: An approved test request is a request previously submitted by the student before the request deadline that 1) has an alternative testing agreement provided by the instructor and 2) is approved by SDS testing staff.
  3. Late Request: A late quiz, test, or final exam (QTF) request is a request that has been submitted less than 7 days before a quiz or test, or less than 4 weeks before study day in the case of final exams.  Late requests are not guaranteed testing appointments.  If a late request is not approved, the request will be canceled and students are to report to the classroom to take the QTF.
  4. Make-Up QTF Request: A make-up test request is a request to take a missed quiz or test on an alternative date after the original test occurred.  Students should initiate make-up requests with their instructor, as it is at the instructor’s discretion to allow a make-up QTF.
  5. Limited Adjustment to the Attendance Policy (LAAP): Make-up requests due to the LAAP accommodation should include timely communication with the course instructor and your Student Disability Services (SDS) accommodations advisor for consideration.
  6. Alternative Testing Agreement (ATA): Instructors complete an ATA for each course they teach which includes general instructions for the quizzes, tests, and final exam, authorized aids, dates, times, and durations of quizzes, tests, and finals, and other information.  The ATA is visible to students, so they are aware of what they may bring to the testing center.

Please visit the links below for more information about the exam request process, the Testing Center’s location and hours of operation, Student, Faculty, and SDS Responsibilities, etc.

Exam Request Instructions

About the Testing Center

Make-Up Procedures

Student Portal Instructions

Preparing for the Exam

Final Exams