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Faculty Portal Instructions


  1. Getting Started
  2. Overview Page and Course Access Letters
  3. Add Instructor
  4. Upload Syllabus
  5. Accessible Course Materials
  6. Accessible Testing
  7. Note Taking
  8. Communication Access

Getting Started

  1. Log into the SDS Faculty Portal, also linked on, and log in with your NetID and password.
  2. Read the Access Policy and click Continue to View Student Accommodations at the bottom of the page.
  3. At the top of the next page, toggle to the term you wish to view. The Portal will default to the current term.

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Overview Page and Course Access Letters

*Use the Overview link in the left-side menu at any time to get back to this page.

  • For each request listed, you will have already received an email of the course access letter.
  • The bottom of the main page will list all students who have requested course access letters. Click View next to any student’s name to see a copy their Course Access Letter (CAL).  . Click PDF if you wish to download a copy of the student’s CAL for your records.
  • CALs will include a description of each accommodation.
  • CALs will include a link where you may voluntarily upload your syllabus. Having the syllabus is very helpful to SDS for certain accommodations, including testing, note taking, and the Limited Adjustment to Attendance Policy (LAAP).  You only need to upload one syllabus per course.
  • If the student has testing accommodations, the letters will also include a link for you to complete an Accessible Testing Agreement (ATA) if you haven’t already completed it for the course. This allows you to easily provide proctoring information to SDS from the beginning of the semester for quizzes, tests, and the final. Students will not be able to submit a request to take a quiz, test, or final (QTF) in SDS until you complete the ATA and provide your QTF dates.
    • You only need to complete the ATA if you have in-person quizzes, tests, or finals that the student must take in SDS.
    • You only have to complete this once for each CRN. You can copy the information to other CRN’s with the click of a button in the Accessible Testing area of the Faculty Portal.

Use the links on the left-side menu to navigate various functions of the Faculty Portal.

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Add Instructor

  • Click the “Add Instructor” menu item to submit a request if you are co-teaching, would like your GTA to have access, or if you are no longer teaching a course and know who is. This allows you to easily request access for another instructor.
  • Allow two business days for the added instructor to have access to the Faculty Portal.

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Upload Syllabus

  • Upload a syllabus here if you didn’t do so using the link in the Course Access Letter.
  • View a syllabus if you’ve already uploaded one.
  • Delete previous uploads if posting a new version of your syllabus.
  • You only need to upload one syllabus per course.

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Accessible Course Materials

  • Any student with an accessible course materials accommodation will be listed.
  • Students will request their textbooks from SDS if needed, and you will see the number of book requests reflected here.
  • You may contact if you utilize additional course materials that may need to be formatted for use by the student.

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Accessible Testing

You will see all scheduled exams on this page.  Only students who have scheduled in the Student Portal to take an exam in the SDS Testing Center will appear here.

  • Accessible Testing Agreements
    • You will be able access and complete the Access Testing Agreement (ATA) for each of your courses. You must complete an ATA before students are able to request to take any of your quizzes, tests, or finals in the SDS testing center.  The ATA also provides SDS with all the information we need to proctor your tests,  Visit this brief tutorial for an overview of how to complete the ATA.
    • View any ATAs you have submitted, and modify as needed.
    • Copy existing ATAs to other CRNs.

Review the Video Tutorial on Completing the Accessible Testing Agreement (ATA)

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Note Taking Services

  • See a list of students who have requested a note taker, by course.
  • See the name and email address of the student in the course who has been hired by SDS as the note taker. The note taker should never be given the name(s) of the students receiving notes.
  • Review the notes that are uploaded by the note taker. Please notify SDS if you have any concerns about the quality of the notes.  These notes must never be shared with anyone.  They are for the sole use of Student Disability Services for the purposes of accommodation.
  • You may leave a note for SDS, including if you believe a note taker is not needed in your particular course. For example, if your course is online but you provide recordings of all lectures, a note taker is not needed.

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Communication Access

  • See the students who have requested interpreting or transcribing, by course.
  • View the staff who have been assigned as interpreters or transcribers.
  • If you have students in your course who have an accommodation for accessible media, you may submit requests for captioning of videos you plan to use in class.
  • View a list of captioning requests already submitted.
  • You will be notified of completed videos via email.

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