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Teaching Techniques

These techniques benefit all students, especially students with disabilities:


  • Select course materials early so that students and SDS have enough time to convert to accessible formats (e.g., audio, large print) as needed.
  • Make course materials (e.g., syllabus, handouts, assignment sheets) available in electronic format.
  • Write lecture outlines on the board or incorporate into a PowerPoint presentation.
  • Write key phrases, technical vocabulary, formulas, etc., on the board or provide as a handout.
  • Do not speak when you have your back turned to the class.
  • Repeat or rephrase questions or comments from the class before responding.


  • Ensure exams test the essential skills or knowledge needed for the course.
  • Provide accommodated testing, as appropriate. Some students may require extended time or assistance on exams. Contact SDS regarding options for accommodated testing.
  • Consider alternative assessment methods (e.g., portfolio, multimedia presentation).


  • Provide a lab orientation, take a tour of the lab, and discuss safety concerns.
  • Provide oral and written lab instructions.
  • Arrange lab equipment so that it is easily accessible.
  • Assign group lab projects in which all students contribute according to their abilities.
  • Provide adaptive lab equipment.